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APPEARS IN Fundraising

Volunteer of the Week: Brian Huss

Volunteer of the Week: Brian Huss

This week we recognize Chairman Brian Huss, volunteer of three years with the Kittitas County, Washington Friends of NRA.

During his service, Brian has sold 165 banquet tickets bringing in over $7,000, raised more than $14,500 in pre and post-event raffles, arranged underwriting for 23 items totaling $6,400, and acquired 18 donations valued over $5,000.

Before serving as Chairman, Brian’s involvement with Friends of NRA started as the designated FFL at Friends banquets. Over time, he saw how things operated and what these banquets stood for which piqued his interest to become more involved.

“Over the past several years Brian has developed an outstanding committee that is going to continue growing in the future,” shared Michael Herrera, Washington NRA Field Representative. “He’s always representing Friends of NRA day in and day out in everything he does.”

Brian’s dedication also exceeds outside of banquets. He’s spent many hours working different gun shows selling raffle and event tickets to help spread the word and has a goal to continue to grow the event in any way possible.

He's constantly striving to give back to his community and is very supportive of the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program and spreading Eddie’s safety message. Brian also keeps an eye out for great organizations in the area that would benefit from a grant from The NRA Foundation.

“I cannot express the joy I have for Brian,” says Herrera. “He is an outgoing individual who has Friends of NRA on his mind every single day.”

Click here to find out how to volunteer with your local Friends of NRA chapter.

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