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New Year's Resolutions for the Gun-Parent

New Year's Resolutions for the Gun-Parent

Lose weight, save money, be nice - the typical new years resolutions for most people. While there's nothing wrong with wanting to live a healthier lifestyle all around, sometimes we forget the little (or big) things that we should focus on. Here are a few new years resolutions you, if you're a gun-parent or even a future gun-parent, should add to the list: 

Spend more time talking to your children about the importance of gun safety

The NRA makes this easy with the Eddie Eagle GunSafe program. From digital to printable resources on eddieeagle.com, you can find all the materials you need to help you talk to your kids about firearms and instill or reinforce the importance of gun safety. 

Spread Eddie Eagle’s gun safety message to your friends, family and community.

Take it a step further and spread the word. Talking to your own children may be step one, but together you can help others and continue the conversation. The importance of gun safety is not only in your own home, but with your children no matter where they go.

Learn more about firearms storage options

Maybe you already have a solid firearms storage option or maybe you need one. Do your research and learn more about firearms storage options that work best for you and your family.

Learn more about Eddie Eagle and the Wing Team at EddieEagle.com 

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