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NRA Provides Public Range Grant for Florida Shooting Sports Park

NRA Provides Public Range Grant for Florida Shooting Sports Park

Last week, ground was officially broken for the new Palm Beach County Shooting Sports Park in Florida.

Officials from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and Palm Beach County, along with representatives from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), the Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida, and the National Rifle Association were in attendance. Palm Beach County received a Public Range Grant from the NRA for this project that will cater to the 900,000 Floridians who participate in target shooting.

The park, which will expand over 150 acres, will have five pistol and rifle ranges, five Olympic trap fields, six American trap fields, nine skeet fields, and a 12-station sporting clays course. The park will not only allow shooters to participate in Olympic style events, but will also provide hunter safety classes and other recreational activities.

“This new facility will provide an opportunity for the entire community to participate in safe shooting sports activities, some of which are featured in the Olympics,” said Nick Wiley, executive director of FWC. “The shooting sports industry is important to Florida’s economy and our wildlife conservation efforts, and we are glad to help provide a place for people to enjoy these recreational activities safely.”

The first phase of the project will include the construction of the rifle and pistol ranges. This phase is funded from the Federal Aid in Wildlife and Restoration Program and is set to open in 2017.

Additional support and funding are provided by Palm Beach County, NRA, Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida, and SFWMD. Bidding for phase 2, which includes the sporting clays course, is set to go out in early 2017.

Click here to learn more about NRA Public Range Grants.

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