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Who Taught You To Shoot: Nate Hosie

Who Taught You To Shoot: Nate Hosie

Who taught you to shoot? It’s a question you get asked more often than you probably realize. Sure, you remember exactly who took you to the range for the first time and how old you were. So you give a quick response and go about your business. But do you take the time to reflect back on the experience? Take a minute, think about the first time you fired a gun, shot a bow, or bagged your first buck. Who taught you? Why did they teach you? What makes that memory so vivid in your head?

In this series, we’ll be sharing stories from folks reflecting on how their passions began and the impact that experience has made on them today. Professional Turkey Hunter and host of Headhunter TV, Nate Hosie, shares his experience with us:

Read more “Who Taught You How to Shoot” stories:
Who Taught You To Shoot: Emily Rupertus
Who Taught You To Shoot: Jason Brown

Whether it’s your first time shooting, hunting, fishing, or just enjoying the great outdoors, we want to hear about it! Send us the stories of your firsts or times you shared your knowledge with someone else at MakeAFirst.org.

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