Our Volunteer of the Week is Chairman Jesse Flath, volunteer of 5 years of the Sakakawea, North Dakota Friends of NRA!
During his service, Jesse has sold 120 banquet tickets raising $3,600, sold 3 sponsorships, raised $7,500 in pre and post-event raffles, acquired 29 donations valued over $4,800, and arranged for the underwriting of 18 items totaling $3,700.
When asked about Jesse, NRA Field Representative Clay Pederson told us: “Jesse is the “idea” guy and is able to sell his ideas to just about anyone he comes in contact with. Before he took the Chairman position, there few people in his area that even knew about the Friends of NRA and our grant program; now just about everyone in the area knows about the program. Jesse has been able to expand the committee some each year, and build relationships with local organizations and make them sponsors of the event. "Jesse is a great State Funds Committee member as he visits with the applicants personally and learns what they are asking for before he even gets to the meeting." Jesse attends, helps, and emcee’s about 10-12 other events every year. Jesse has been instrumental in organizing the North Dakota State Friends of NRA event and making it a success alongside other dedicated volunteers. Every year he is part of the youth shooting event at his local club, and also does newspaper and radio spots in support of the grant program before the event each year.
Jesse is a great State Funds Committee member as he visits with the applicants personally and learns what they are asking for before he even gets to the meeting. Jesse helps to promote the grant program and has visited with 7-12 of the surrounding area clubs/organizations to let them know about the program and to help grow the North Dakota Friends of NRA. With the mission of the NRA Foundation always on his mind, he is constantly finding new ways to promote that mission and improve on not just his event, but the others within the state!”
Click here to find out how to volunteer with your local Friends of NRA chapter.