Our Volunteer of the Week is Treasurer Kellie Walsh, volunteer of 19 years of the State Line, Wisconsin Friends of NRA! During her service, Kellie sold over 200 banquet tickets raising in excess of $10,000, sold 16 individual sponsorships and 16 business sponsorships totaling $28,400, raised $30,000 in pre and post-event raffles, acquired 20 donations amounting to $5,500, and arranged underwriting for 15 items.
When asked about Kellie, NRA Field Representative Scott Taetsch told us: “Kellie has donated well over 500 hours on making the State Line Committee a success. In addition to all her work on the event, Kellie sets up booths at many gun shows year round running raffles, visits gun clubs to promote Friends of NRA and runs a Gun-a-Rama Spring event. Kellie also assists with the Annual State Convention, the Annual Awards and the Appreciation banquet, and workshops. Kellie is highly respected and known in the community on both sides of the Wisconsin-Illinois border. She constantly shares her passion with others." Kellie’s communication and relationship skills come from her experience as a successful small business owner. She is very passionate about the Friends of NRA cause and all who meet her know where she stands. Kellie is highly respected and known in the community on both sides of the Wisconsin-Illinois border. Kellie’s commitment and energy continues to amaze me. She was Wisconsin’s Volunteer Of The Year in 2013, Won the state’s “Above and Beyond” award for 2014, and is Volunteer Of The Year again in 2015 partially because her committee broke yet another all-time state record for highest net of $104,388.00.“
Click here to find out how to volunteer with your local Friends of NRA chapter.