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Volunteer of the Week: Ralph Bartoli

Volunteer of the Week: Ralph Bartoli

This week’s Friends of NRA Volunteer of the Week is Chairman Ralph Bartoli, volunteer for 15 years of the Quinnipiac, CT Friends of NRA!

During his service, Ralph has...

  • Sold nearly 300 banquet tickets to bring in over $14,000
  • Sold 2 sponsorships to bring in $3,750
  • Acquired over 20 donations amounting to over $4,000 
  • Brought in underwriting for 7 items, amounting to over $2,000

NRA Field Representative Jim Reardon told us that... 

 "Ralph inspires and motivates the committee members to achieve their potential. He has a vision and sets goals. He knows the strengths and values of each committee member. Committee members stop and listen to him and know what they need from him. Ralph knows the overall purpose and goals of the Friends of the NRA. He always asks himself, “What can I do to improve myself, the committee, and our annual dinner?” 

Thank you for your service Ralph! 

Click here to find out how to volunteer with your local Friends of NRA chapter.

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