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Volunteer of the Week: Janeen Moffa

Volunteer of the Week: Janeen Moffa

This week’s Friends of NRA Volunteer of the Week is Chairman Janeen Moffa, volunteer for 5 years of the Indiana County Friends of NRA!

During her years of service, Janeen has...

  • Sold 200 banquet tickets, bringing in $9,000
  • Sold 4 sponsorships to bring in $30,000
  • Acquired over 30 donations amounting to $4,000 
  • Brought in underwriting for 5 items, amounting to $600

NRA Field Representative Tom Baldridge told us that... 

"Janeen took over the committee and turned it around, into one of my fastest growing committees. She leads with integrity and with a vision. She sets goals, not only for herself but also for the entire committee. When she took over her committee, they began making way more money because they were doing the right things. Janeen has been extremely helpful leading her team and selling sponsorships, banquet tickets, and gun tickets."
Thank you for your service Janeen! 

Click here to find out how to volunteer with your local Friends of NRA chapter.

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