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NRA Range Development & Operations Conference Will Take Your Business to the Next Level

NRA Range Development & Operations Conference Will Take Your Business to the Next Level

Running a shooting range is not easy. There's a lot more to it than getting an empty piece of land and setting targets up at one end. Today's shooting range operator needs the savvy of a businessman, the wisdom of a firearms enthusiast, and the knowledge of a health and safety professional.

The NRA Range Development & Operations Conference is an incredible tool for range owners and operators as well as those interested in entering the business. Put on by America's top experts in range development, the course identifies development, environment, and safety issues ranges face related to business planning, grants, construction, sound abatement, equipment costs, maintenance, insurance, EPA lead standards, and other key topics. 

A key element in advancing in any profession is continued education. At the NRA Range Development & Operations Conference, attendees have a forum to share their knowledge to ensure people have safe, convenient places to enjoy their Second Amendment rights.

The next conference will be held October 1 -3 in Reno, Nevada . Registration is $575 (non-refundable) and includes all conference materials as well as a copy of the NRA Range Source Book on CD-ROM.

Have questions? Contact NRA Range Services at [email protected] or 877-NRA-RANGE.

Register for an NRA Range Development & Operations Conference here.

Let us help both you and your range reach your full potentials.

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