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NRAstore Product Highlight: Tactical Micro Tools

NRAstore Product Highlight: Tactical Micro Tools

It’s the last thing any shooter wants. You get to the range, only to find a glitch that keeps your firearm from running smoothly. That’s where NRA Tactical Micro Tools save the day.

Sized to fit in the palm of your hand, our Micro Tools can travel absolutely anywhere. They’ll fit on your keychain and they can easily attach to a zipper pull or MOLLE loop. These compact tools allow you to field strip an AR-15 or 1911 anywhere, and they also make a statement about you and the firearms you love to shoot.

Choose between the AR-15 tool, the 1911 tool, or both! The AR-15 version includes a bolt tail scraper, firing pin scraper, wrenches, drivers, front sight adjuster, pin punch and more. Meanwhile, the 1911 tool comes with a bushing wrench, spring plug stopper, rotating pin punch, flathead screwdriver and more. Both models are constructed of strong, stainless steel. They also feature a key ring with a nylon strap, a carabiner and the always-essential bottle opener!

The brand new NRA Tactical Micro Tools are a great value and they can only be purchased at NRAstore.com. We can’t think of a more perfect gift item for the shooter on your list!

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