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NRA Museums Guns of the Week


The NRA Museums firearm collection is widely known to be one of the finest throughout the world. Each day they highlight one of their historic and eye-popping pieces on their Facebook page. But not everybody has Facebook (yet) and many of us just like looking at photos of amazing guns - even one's we've seen before. This is why we collect each week's photos from NRA Museums and share them here.

Want to see more from the collection? You can wait until next week, or you can visit one of the NRA Museums locations at the NRA National Firearms Museum, NRA National Sporting Arms Museum at BassPro, or the Frank Brownell Museum of the Southwest. You can even browse some of the collection's more notable pieces online at www.nramuseums.com.

Note: The navigation buttons for this gallery may be hard to see. White arrows allowing you to view the next or previous firearm are located on the left center and right center of each image.
NRA Museums Guns of the Week

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